Drive Your Performance


Transform your image and produce visually stunning content using cutting-edge capture technologies.


Energise your brand with a tone and coherence not found anywhere else on the market.

Graphic Design

Master your digital image to tell your brand’s story with visuals to drive engagement and conversion. 

graphic design


Crafting your brand’s voice and dialogue is integral to establishing a unique brand identity. Our branding services are determined by your business goals, target audience, and the unique value propositions of your products or services. We’ll shape your brand’s voice and messaging, encapsulating the persona of your brand including its core values and promises to your audience.

With a clearly defined brand strategy, your business gains a roadmap that aligns all branding efforts with your overarching objectives, ensuring consistency and coherence in every interaction your brand has with the market. We believe that an effective brand strategy is the foundation for gaining market recognition, building customer loyalty and driving business growth.

Graphic Design

Breathe life into your brand through the power of graphic design. Our team of experienced designers understand the vital role of compelling visuals in today’s saturated digital market. That’s why we can create content ranging from flyer design, social media posts, logo design, to photoshop editing.

From startups seeking to make their mark to established businesses wanting a fresh look, our approach combines creativity with strategy to deliver designs that resonate with your target audience. Any demand, for any industry, we’ll showcase your vision in the most vibrant and effective way possible.

"Coder Agency's expertise in digital marketing made all the difference. Their strategic approach, creative executions, and comprehensive A/B testing significantly boosted our reach and sales. Their work was simply transformational."


Using videography as an alternative medium is great for conveying messages which cannot be as easily expressed through text or photography. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in the text.

We provide professional videography, whether you require YouTube videos, property shoots, service shoots, or demonstrations, our videographers have an extensive portfolio of experience to cater to your videographic needs. Integrating videography with photography and graphics creates a more 3-dimensional element to your platforms, maximising engagement across your channels.


We organise professional photographers to visit you either onsite or on location. This way, they’ll capture your products or services in an environment which is candid, on-brand and relevant. Whether your business specialises in customer service, hospitality, real estate or construction, we tailor our services to cater for any industry with any photographic requirements.

Post-editing, optimise your content for social posts, TikTok, real creation, and stories, all enhancing your broader marketing campaigns.

Want results for your business? Get in touch with us and let's make it happen!

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Our design process involves research, brainstorming, concept development, refinement, and final delivery. We ensure each step aligns with your business objectives and target audience.

Our agency offers a team of experienced designers and strategists, ensuring diverse perspectives and specialised expertise. This leads to more comprehensive solutions and consistent support.

The timeline varies depending on project complexity, but typically a complete redesign takes several weeks to a few months.

Yes, upon completion and full payment, you’ll own the rights to the design we create.

Our design process involves an initial consultation, creating draft designs, proposing drafts to clients, editing drafts, producing edited designs onto assets, obtaining your approval, and finally, launching the design.

All of our bespoke proposals are following a consultation with you, once we understand what your goals, ambitions and objectives are.

Dependent on industry experience and expertise, some of our subcontractors may request a higher rate. We would inform you of specific pricing with the utmost transparency, and are happy to discuss this as part of our initial consultation with you.

We ensure quality through thorough well-informed planning and strategy, state-of-the-art digital technology, and photo/video reviews and edits.

We have worked with clients from diverse industries and bring a broad range of experience to each project. This is in addition to our collaboration with industry-specific subcontractors.

Please see our case studies for examples of our previous work.
01603 577 233 (Mon-Fri, 9-5pm)